Does the Tehachapi MLS allow co-listings?
Tehachapi MLS Rule 7.25 Co-Listings. Only the listings of Participants and Subscribers will be accepted by the MLS. Inclusion of co-listings where the co-listing broker/agent is NOT a Participant or Subscriber in the MLS is prohibited.
Does the Tehachapi MLS have a guest password to browse the MLS?
No. Those looking for homes do not need a guest password to search the MLS. Simply click the "Find a Home" button in the red menu bar on any page.
Does the Tehachapi MLS have reciprocity with any other MLS?
No. Tehachapi MLS currently has no reciprocal agreements with other MLSs.
Does the Tehachapi MLS provide a one-time charge to allow MLS data to be viewed or input?
No. Those wishing to input listings or have access to all MLS data fields would need to join MLS membership.
How do I access zipForms Plus?
Go to Note: New C.A.R. members must register on the website before having access to any password protected areas on the C.A.R website.
How do I join the Tehachapi Area Association of REALTORS, Tehachapi MLS or as an Association Affiliate?
Click on 'Membership' tab then MLS- 'Join the MLS', REALTOR® -'Become a REALTOR® Member' and AF - 'Become an Affiliate' for application and cost information.
What activities can my "Unlicensed Assistant" or "Licensed Assistant" who is NOT a REALTOR member legally participate in?
The California Association of REALTORS has specific guidelines set forth by their Legal Team for assistants. Read their Q & A's found at > Licensing > Unlicensed Assistants > Licensing Chart for REALTORS > Licensing Guide for REALTORS.
What is the MLS system website address?
What lockbox system does the Tehachapi MLS use?
What MLS system does the Tehachapi MLS use?
Where can I find Kern County Building, Development, Transportation, Waste & Recycling information?
Kern County Public Works:
Where can I find Kern County parcel/tract map information?
Kern County Assessor-Recorder:
Where can I take the NAR Code of Ethics exam?
Go to the National Association of REALTORS website: Select Education tab and proceed to Code of Ethics training. Under "Take Course Now" choose either New Members or Existing Members. This is required of all Active NAR members every 2 years.