President's Message
Thanks for visiting….
We’re really glad you stopped by! Just like an honored guest in your home, we are extremely happy that you’ve taken the time to visit with us today.
The web home of the Tehachapi Area Association of REALTORS® (TAAR) provides a home base for you to explore all things real estate in Tehachapi.
If you are curious about available houses or land in the Tehachapi area, you pick the right place to start. From the red menubar, just choose “Find a Home” and select criteria to narrow down your choices.
If you already know you're ready to buy or sell your home, your next move is to choose a REALTOR® to work with. Again, the red menubar will help you. Click the button to search “REALTORS®” and choose from any of our fine members.
Use the affiliate search to choose service providers who can meet your homeownership needs. Whether you need financing, a home inspection, a plumber or other services, feel comfortable choosing from the service providers that are affiliated with the Tehachapi Area Association of REALTORS®.
Our REALTOR® professionals can use the TAAR website as their new home base for many aspects of the business. Bookmark the home page and use it as your starting point every day. See what events are upcoming, access CSD and City websites as well as other community resources, log on to the MLS, fill out a Caravan request, access industry websites and more.
The Tehachapi Area Association of REALTORS® welcomes you to explore. We’re glad you came and look forward to seeing you often!